Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Independent Learning- Music Video Factsheet

The purpose of music video is the digital age

The purpose of music videos is to sell the media product. It can also help to sell the album the particular artist has released or in some cases any films which are being released. An example of this would be the song 'We Own It' by 2 Chainz, Wiz Khalifa. this was a very popular song and reached high up in the charts and was played in the cinema of the film Fast and Furious. This helped to promote the film as well as the film promoting the song.

When the audiences were to buy this song via the Apple website, it would also display a picture of the film as the cover. This again helps to promote the film because it is making the audience aware this film exists.

Here is the picture. It shows the actors involved with the film and also shows what genre the film is because of the conventions used. From this you can clearly see that this song is trying to promote the movie which goes along with it.
The song itself is linked with the movie because you would expect them to go with each other. From the video above you can see that the song is very fast paced and the lyrics link it what some of the film is about.

Music videos is also an odd way to promote the song. This is because with this particular media product, you are showing the whole audience the song right until the end and giving them the full product before they have even bought it. This is different to how brands of coffee for example will show their product as desirable but the audience can't actually taste the coffee until they have bought the product.
Until about 8 years ago, this would not be much of a problem to the music industry due to music videos only being shown on shows such as Top of the Pops which had to be approved by the record labels but since the new technologies and video hosting sites such as YouTube, it means that the videos are easy to watch because they can be uploaded by anyone and watched easily via iPods, iPhones, iPads etc. All you would need is a source of internet and you would be available to it as it is at no cost. This meant to the industry that if people could access these videos for free and that easily, the audiences will just watch the music video instead of buying the song so the record labels are losing out.
Record labels have been trying to tackle this problem by using copyright but they worked out that this is time consuming and expensive. Instead, artists have their own YouTube channel now and will have links to legally download music on places such as iTunes.
This is important that there is links because with the new ways to illegally download music such as 'YouTube Converter', it will mean audiences have more of a chance of buying it legally therefore the record labels can profit.
The three major record labels in America (Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Abu Dubai) teamed up to create Vevo which displayed music videos online and they would receive all the money for advertising as there is no third party people putting videos up and getting money from it as well like on YouTube.

I have found all this information out by one of my teachers creating a page about this information. From this it has then enabled me to research into more depth in order to find out things which were not mentioned on this page. It has been helpful to find out this because when it comes to making our films digipack etc. we may choose to go down that root.
It is also helpful to know the background of music and how piracy has affected it. If we was to actually distribute our music video then this would help us as we would know the places to distribute it in order to profit as much as possible.

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