Thursday, 4 September 2014

Research on Andrew Goodwins Theory

Andrew Goodwin's theory consists of six aspects of the music video industry.
Lyrics and Visuals-

The relationship between lyrics and visuals is demonstrated in Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball. The lyrics say 'I came in like a wrecking ball....' and have Miley Cyrus literally sat on top of a wrecking ball swinging back and fourth. The video speaks about her recent break up with fiancé Liam Hemsworth.

Music and Visuals-

Music and visuals is demonstrated in Katy Perry's music video The One That got Away. At the end the song ends then a fade in of old country and western style 'My only sunshine' this is not necessarily promoting her single, but its enhancing the narrative structure. As the imagery we see reflects the music, this engages the audience and we as an audience make this link and sympathises with the characters.

 Music videos have genre characteristics-

Certain features are expected out of a video depending on the genre of the music, for example a girl bands/artists are expected to have dancers and close ups of the singers, whilst a Indi band are expected to have performance shots of the band and cut to a fast beat.

Demands of record label-

Often due to the demands of the record label, artists videos will include many close ups of the artist and will often develop motifs that recur across multiple videos-

This allows the record label to promote a set image for the band, which will help target audiences empathise with the band.

Emphasis on 'looking'-

The 'male gaze' is often used to attract a male audience. The male gaze is a focus on presenting things that appeal to men. This often means a voyeuristic view of, and an objectification, of women. The emphasis on looking also includes the artist looking directly into the camera helping the audience connect with the artist.

Intertexual references-

Music videos reference other forms of media, most commonly film, but can also be television and other music videos.

How to analyse music videos;Andrew Goodwin identifies 5 key aspects of music videos that we, the audience, should look out for;
- Thought beats – Where you ‘see’ in the sound
- Narrative and Performance
- The Star Image
- Relation of visuals to song
- Technical aspects of a music video

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